What if... You Never Had to Call an RV Tech Again?

Save $$$ on RV Repairs. Be Your Own Tech.

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RVing Can Be Expensive

Repairs can add up quickly. And we all know when it rains... it pours when it comes to things breaking in your RV. 

RVing Can Be Hard

Grey Tanks, Batteries, and Propane... Oh My!

RVing Can Be Unpredictable

Raise your hand if you've ever had to postpone a trip because your AC stopped humming or your fridge started screaming. 

What If It Didn't Have To Be That Way?

What if when something tried to break in your RV you knew exactly what do?

What if you never had to wait for a tech to show up or a shop to make space for you?

What if you felt confident you could handle anything your RV tried to throw at you?

Enroll Now

RV Academy

A 4 Week LIVE Online Course To Be Your Own RV Tech

Hi! I'm Emily and My Mission is to Help You Never Have to Call a Tech Again.

I’m a certified RV repair technician, which means I’m obsessed with all things RVing. I worked behind the scenes in the entertainment industry in Las Vegas for almost a decade. Until one day I decided to take all of the custom fabrication, eletronics, and troubleshooting experience I had and put it towards helping people enjoy their RV’s as much as possible. I went back to school just to learn about the specific problems that arise when you put a house on wheels. And today I want to share that knowledge I learned with you.

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"You are the teacher I need. Step…By…Step! WOW! Thank you!"

From the RV Repair Woman Youtube Chanel

"The way you explain everything I feel like a pro already."

From the RV Repair Woman Youtube Channel

What You're Gonna Get With This Course

4 hour long lessons walking you through STEP BY STEP how to diagnose each of these appliances.

Week 1: Water Heaters


To start us off we are going to talk about tanked water heaters. We'll go over STEP BY STEP how to test every part of a Dometic, Atwood or a Suburban water heater. This way you can always have access to a nice hot shower. 

Week 2: Furnaces


Then we'll move on to propane heaters. We'll go over STEP BY STEP how to test every part of Dometic, Atwood or a Suburban furnace to make sure your family can stay warm this winter. 

Week 3: Fridges


Week three is allll about absorption style fridges. You know: the ones that work on gas and on electric. Lets make sure you never have a weeks worth of groceries go bad ever again due to a faulty fridge. 

Week 4: Air Conditioners


Then we finish off with what I consider the most important appliance: air conditioning. I concentrate on Dometic and Norcold AC's but I'll touch on Advent and Furrion as well. 

And There Are Amazing Bonuses!


Can't make the live calls? No problem! You'll get 1 year access to the call replays so you can rewatch over and over again. 

Multimeter Refresher

Been a second since you touched a multimeter? No worries. I've got a bonus module to walk you through every step on your multimeter that you're going to need.

AC Guides

Get ALL of my RV Air Conditioning guides. These are printable step by step guides that walk you through how to fix your AC, so you can feel like a pro day 1. 


This is a recording a live course I put on last July.

I've cleaned up the videos to make the viewing experience as smooth as possible. 

This course is for any RVer who is sick of things going wrong in their RV. 

It would help if you've used a multimeter before but is not a prerequisite to joining. 

Beginners may find that they want to watch the replays a couple of times to soak everything in. 

If you want a multimeter refresher you can check out my multimeter for beginners video here. 


Sure! But here you know you’re getting correct information from a certified RV Repair tech who knows her stuff. Instead of spending hours combing through YouTube HOPING you find the solution to your RV woes, you can just spend an hour each week with me. 

AND you'll have all the knowledge in your noggin BEFORE something goes wrong so you're not panicking when the fridge acts up and you have a weeks worth of groceries in there. 

Are You Going to Join Me? 

I'm super excited to get to meet more awesome RVers who want to take ownership over their RV. 

Doors close on this offer August 31st, so don't wait too long!

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