RV Basic to Badass

Become a confident RVer. Join my FREE RV Beginners Course. 

Lets Get RV Confident

RVing Can Be Overwhelming

No body tells you how different living in an RV is from living in a house BEFORE you buy the RV. 

RVing Can Be Hard

Grey Tanks, Batteries, and Propane... Oh My!

RVing Can Be Unpredictable

Raise your hand if you've ever had to postpone a trip because your AC stopped humming or your fridge started screaming. 

What If It Didn't Have To Be That Way?

What if when something tried to break in your RV you knew exactly what the first thing to check was?

What if you knew all the lingo so when you did have to call for help you could confidently tell the person on the phone what was wrong?

What if you felt confident you could handle the basics your RV tried to throw at you?

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RV Basic to Badass

A FREE online RV Beginners Course

Get INSTANT access...

Once you join the FREE RV basics mini-course, I’ll guide you through that big learning curve that all new RVers go through…

  • You’ll get free access to my RV basics mini course

  • Daily emails with simple assignments to get you feeling more confident each day

  • Easy troubleshooting steps for every day RV problems

  • The knowledge and confidence to go out on your first RV trip in style

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Hi! I'm Emily and My Mission is to Help You Never Have to Call a Tech Again.

I’m a certified RV repair technician, which means I’m obsessed with all things RVing. I worked behind the scenes in the entertainment industry in Las Vegas for almost a decade. Until one day I decided to take all of the custom fabrication, eletronics, and troubleshooting experience I had and put it towards helping people enjoy their RV’s as much as possible. I went back to school just to learn about the specific problems that arise when you put a house on wheels. And today I want to share that knowledge I learned with you.

I Want To Be BADASS!

"You are the teacher I need. Step…By…Step! WOW! Thank you!"

From the RV Repair Woman Youtube Chanel

"The way you explain everything I feel like a pro already."

From the RV Repair Woman Youtube Channel

Here’s What You’ll Learn In Your FREE Mini Course:



The vocab so you can sound like a veteran RVer from day 1.



We're keeping it REAL simple here. Just the basics on how the electrical in your RV is different than a house. And how to troubleshoot without a multimeter. 



Where it comes from. Where it Goes. And how to keep everything clean in between.



What uses it? Where to get it? When to turn it off? And basic troubleshooting!



Your Furnace, Water Heater, Fridge AND Air Conditioner. Basic Troubleshooting and how each of these works different in your RV than in a house. 

Are You Going to Join Me? 

I'm super excited to get to meet more awesome RVers who want to take ownership over their RV. 

Yes! Sign Me Up!

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